What happened with the classy cars pencil? XD
Awesome work. Very smoth grays with the charm of a traditional work! Keep it up!
What happened with the classy cars pencil? XD
Awesome work. Very smoth grays with the charm of a traditional work! Keep it up!
LOL I betrayed it :D and opted for pencils where hardness is actually ..determinable...
But it's here somewhere and I'll probably have to write them an apology letter.
And thank you, it's an honor to receive praise from you :) :)
I've reviewed a recent post of yours. The one from HL Miami. I didn't know it was you. I pretty much prise the same things I did in other piece of yours (of course, I had no idea it was you all along).
You have a style. That is nice. Congrats!
And this one in particular is a departure from other submitions, in a way. You have quite a range!
I love how you people use 1, maybe 2 brushes, and come up with a monster of such visual complexity. I really mean it. If you forget the illustration, and see the colour changes, it seems simple, in terms of tools used (im not talking about the draw itself. that is tremendous). But the use of the technicque is masterful, and so is the pic. Nice, nice work. I would love to have the confidence to pull off one of these.!
Thank you for all the kind words, really.
Handmade??? That's crazy! I love and admire people that can pull off such style, in a traditional way. Keep it up!
SORRY I so didn't see this until now O__O
Thank you so much! Wow, I'm so honored someone like you thinks so, thank you again, and I will!
Amazing concept! And I've been a great fan of this painting technicque, mostly because I can do it myself. Great style! And the fact that you have worked other styles only serves to make your reputation as an artist even bigger.
I love when people can play with hard colours like these. The Shadows are hard, and yet it looks super smooth at first sight. And the colour choosing is amazing. It's super alive, and pays great tribute to the original source, and yet your style trascends.
The traces are really simple, and this is a positive. Its awfully hard to come up with the right amount of lines, these are not only the right amount of lines. They are all spot on.
With that in mind, you can't realize this without a great colour work. And the colour is outstanding.
Cheers! I love it!
Thanks a lot, too kind!!
Age 38, Male
Artist- Writer
Nra. SeƱora del Carmen
Jose Marmol, Buenos Aires
Joined on 3/16/16